It is now time to let everything go, to let the reigns off, and allow a different level of expertise to take over. The work is now being transferred to those we have invoked to come and be with us on the journey and they will do it according to their own style.
We purify the pit with sweetgrass, say a prayer and lite the paper candles.
Within a few minutes she is smoking beautifully and we take the corrugated tin roofing sheets and cover the pit so that there is just a little air getting in through a few places in the bricks.
We want it to simmer nice and slow so the pots don’t crack with the heat of the flames.
Once we see it simmering nicely we can let it sit overnight. Waiting till morning seems long….
while we wait, sawdust is slowly burning down and as it is burning it is releasing carbon (so long as there is no flame or oxidation). Carbon enters into clay body and produces a gorgeous carbon rich black colour.