beWILDering with

will take place from Dec 29 (new moon) till Jan 13 (full moon) on the unceded lands and waters of the ɬəʔamɛn qaymɩxʷ (Tla’amin) peopl​e. I have invited members of the community to come as they are and as/if they are able, curious and willing to be lead astray by magic and mystery.

The project is in the spirit of…

  • multi-species cooperation and flourishing, we turn (non-dogmatically) toward the Gods and Spirits of this place to remember there is another way of being human

  • sympoiesis, we create space for collective beingness & creation

Core ​​experiential components:

  • Embodied Imagination Practice, which involves gentle movement, sound and evoking the creative imagination.

  • Creating with Earth Materials on an inspired and spontaneous basis.

We will honour the process by enacting a ceremony on the full moon ~ each artifact ​made, in the spirit of this project, will be offered back to the land, sky and waters.

*bewilder: from ​be ‘thoroughly’ + wilder ‘lead or go astray’

This project was seeded from the rich compost of the following dream alongside reading “Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene” by Donna Harroway.

I am walking along a pathway made of nutrient rich humus. In front of me the path gets steep and impassable due to its muddy liquidity. I want to climb up this hill but I am aware that I would get stuck or fall back down and must wait for it to dry out a bit. As I'm walking along this dank, dark, composted earth I gasp when I see three snakes and hold my breath as one of the snakes passes through my legs".

“It matters what matters we use to think other matters with; it matters what stories we tell to tell other stories with; it matters what knots knot knots, what thoughts think thoughts, what descriptions describe descriptions, what ties tie ties. It matters what stories make worlds, what worlds make stories.”

Donna Harroway


Meeting at the Watering Hole, Iberian Peninsula (2025)


Comraiche, Salish Sea (2024)